About us

The Institute for Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine (CompAI) at TUM and the Institute of Machine Learning in Biomedical Imaging (IML) at Helmholtz Center Munich focus on research to leverage machine learning for the grand challenges in biomedical imaging in areas of unmet clinical need. Novel and affordable solutions should empower clinics to make more accurate, fast and reliable decisions for early detection, treatment planning and improved patient outcome. We are looking for team members, please contact us.

About us

Meet the Team



Julia A. Schnabel

Technical University Munich

Helmholtz Center Munich

King's College London

Professor for Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine, Director of the Institute of Machine Learning in Biomedical Imaging

Biomedical Imaging, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Team Support


Sandra Mayer

Helmholtz Center Munich

Administrative Assistant

Project Management and Administration, Team Management and Support, Communication and Relations


Sabine Franke

Technical University Munich

Administrative Assistant

Project Management and Administration, Team Management and Support, Communication and Relations

Principal Investigators


Georgios Kaissis

Helmholtz Center Munich

Principal Investigator

Reliable artificial intelligence, Medical image computing, Probabilistic methods


Lina Felsner

Technical University of Munich

Helmholtz Center Munich

Principal Investigator

Medical Image Computing, Inverse Problems, Machine Learning

Senior Researchers


Cosmin I. Bercea

Technical University of Munich

TUM School of Medicine and Health

Research Scientist

Vision & Multimodal Learning, Generative AI, Foundation Models, Anomaly Detection


Emily Chan

Helmholtz Center Munich

King's College London

Research Scientist

Medical image computing, Transfer learning, Multi-modal learning


Laura Daza

Helmholtz Center Munich

Research Scientist

Medical image segmentation, Multi-modal Learning, Foundation models


Maxime Di Folco

Helmholtz Center Munich

Research Scientist

Representation learning, Cardiac imaging


Daniel M. Lang

Helmholtz Center Munich

Research Scientist

Self-supervised Learning, Transfer Learning, Survival Analysis



Sameer Ambekar

Technical University of Munich

Helmholtz Center Munich

Doctoral Researcher

Domain Generalization, Meta Learning, Variational Inference


Hannah Eichhorn

Helmholtz Center Munich

Technical University Munich

Doctoral Researcher

Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Image reconstruction & Motion Correction, Deep learning


Stefan Fischer

Technical University of Munich

MRI TUM Munich

Doctoral Researcher

Segmentation, Radiooncology, Transfer Learning/Curriculum Learning


Johannes Kiechle

Technical University of Munich

MRI TUM Munich

Doctoral Researcher

Shape Analysis, Representation Learning, Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Fryderyk Kögl

Technical University of Munich

MRI TUM Munich

Doctoral Researcher

Deep Learning-Based Image Registration, Data Curation & Visualisation, Neuronavigation


Jun Li

Technical University of Munich

Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML)

Doctoral Researcher

Vision and Language, Multi-Modal Learning, Cross-Modality Generation


Anna Reithmeir

Technical University of Munich

Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML)

Doctoral Researcher

Image Registration, Physics-Inspired Regularization, Manifold-Valued Data


Anneliese Riess

Technical University of Munich

Helmholtz Center Munich

Doctoral Researcher

Mathematical Foundations of Privacy Preserving AI, Probability Theory


Veronika Spieker

Technical University Munich

Helmholtz Center Munich

Doctoral Researcher

MRI Reconstruction, Motion Detection & Correction, Neural Implicit Representations

Visiting Researchers


Richard Osuala

BCN-AIM Lab, University of Barcelona

Helmholtz Center Munich

Doctoral Researcher (Visiting)

Generative AI, Image Synthesis, Medical Image Analysis


Chun Kit Wong

Section for Visual Computing, Technical University of Denmark

Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence

Doctoral Researcher (Visiting)

Medical Image Analysis



Simona Bottani

Helmholtz Center Munich

Research Scientist

Deep learning, Big data sets, Brain imaging


Veronika Zimmer

Technical University Munich

Principal Investigator

Medical Image Computing, Ultrasound Image Analysis, Fetal Image Analysis

Open Positions

If you are interested in our projects please contact us and attach a motivation letter, transcript of academic records and CV.

Contact us

Institute of Machine Learning in Biomedical Imaging, Helmholtz Center Munich
Ingolstädter Landstr. 1, 85764 Neuherberg
Tel. +49 89 3187-49207

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine, Technical University of Munich
Lichtenbergstr. 2a, 85748 Garching
Tel. +49 (0)89 / 289-17256