Exploring Riemannian Manifolds for Medical Image Classification


This Master’s project aims to explore the use of covariance descriptors for disease classification with medical

images. First, the MedMNIST toy dataset will be explored. Then, the student will work with an open-source

medical dataset, e.g. of 2D chest x-ray or 3D cardiac MR images

Maxime Di Folco
Maxime Di Folco
Research Scientist

My research interest is the study of the cardiac function via machine learning methods, in particular representation learning methods that aim to acquire low dimensional representation of high dimensional data. I have a strong interest in cardiac remodelling (adaptation of the heart to its environment or a disease), notably the study of the deformation and shape aspects.

Anna Reithmeir
Anna Reithmeir
Doctoral Researcher

My research interests include deep learning for image registration.